‹ Prequel: Your Blood Calls To Me

Our Love Story

Isabella's POV

Kevin smiled as he nuzzled my neck. I smiled. It was good to have his arms around me. We didn't have to say anything to be known.

We jumped when we heard a door slam and I heard Chase's voice. Joe appeared as we seperated.

"I'm out," he muttered and I ran up to him and hugged him so he couldn't run. He was unaware of my plan.

"Jo-" I said but he cut me off.

"I missed you too. But Alex made her colors known," he hissed and I noticed wood chippings on him. I horror stuck..

"Did she try to stake you?" I gasped.

"No. She hit me with her guitar," he replied cooly. I looked up at him..

"Joe. She loves you," I said and he snorted..

"She made her point and i'm leaving. detach." he said but I held on tighter.

"Joe. You don;t know what she's been through!" I said and he hissed at me..

"YOU don't know what I'VE been through! Do you know what happened when she left? It almost KILLED me! I was thinking about commiting suicide!" he said struggling against my grip..

"SHE WHIMPERS!" I shot back and he stopped and looked down at me..

"tell me," he said and I nodded.

"In her sleep. I noticed this about 35 minutes ago. She whimpered your name. She was saying how she missed you and felt horrible about just leaving before getting your side of the story. She regrets coming back!" I pleaded and his eyes held tears in them.. He just didn't realize how much Alex really loved him.

"I.. I didn't know." he said and I smiled.

"She.. She was trying to tell me something upstairs but.. I.. I left." he said and I let go then pushed him to the house.

"Go listen to her. right now." I said an dhe nodded. he disappeared and I heard Chase's voice.

"Chase! can you come help Cody?" I called. He came downstairs and walked to Cody's room. Kevin's arms replaced themselves, holding me tightly to his chest.
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Filler. Will Joe and Alex make up? Will Chase admit his crush on Bella? Comment! Ash's turn!