‹ Prequel: Your Blood Calls To Me

Our Love Story


I woke up and sun hit my face. I hid my face in Kevin's chest. He chuckled and tucked my hair behind my ear.

"Morning Baby," he said kissing my head. I kissed his bare chest..

'Morning," i said looking up at him. He smiled as he caressed my cheek..

"Go take a shower and get dressed. We'll go out from breakfast," he said and I nodded. I got up and walked into the bathroom. I left the door open. we were married with a kid on the way. Yeah, it's okay to leave the door open.

I stripped as I turned the water on and then got under the hot water. I ran down my back and relieved the pain from it. I scrubbed my body with Matermelon body scrub and watermelon shampoo and conditioner for my hair. I rinsed all the shamppoo and body scrub off and out. then turned off the water.

I wrapped a towel around my still small frame. I wrung out my hair in the shower and then stepped on the black fuzzy mat. I changed into the same outfit I wore to Italy the first day. I brushed my teeth and left my hair down.

I put on my makeup then slipped on my heels. I put on a white jacket then grabbed my tote bag on the way out of the bathroom..

I walked down the stairs of our house and Kevin appeared before I reached the bottom. We walked out to his truck and he opened my door, like the gentlemen he is. I got in and he shut it. then appeared in the truck.

'That's creepy," i stated and he chuckled. We put on seatbelts and he drove down an oh so familiar path.

He was heading to Katie's. Yum! I was right, he parked in a spot and we walked inside where we were greeted by a delicious smell.

"Ello! Follow me to your table," A man said and Kevin stayed close to me. He held my hand all way to the table. We sat across from each other..

"Your waiter will be right over," he said then walked away. Kevin held my hand over the table. they were resting intertwined on the table as we loked through the menu's. We decided on the same thing.. Chicken fried steak and eggs. YUMMY! With.. My favorite.. COFFEE!

I was hoping we'd get a waitress but we got a waiter.

"HEllo. I'm Ian. I will be your server today. What can I get you to drink sweetie?" he asked smiling at me..

" 2 coffees please," I said and he wrote it down..

"Are you ready to order too dear?" he asked flirting.. Kevin just smirked.

"Yes. WE are," he said and the waiter jumped. He obviously thought I was getting him a coffee but I had my Husband. yay! I can say that now!

"What will it be?" he asked and Kevin told him our order. He nodded and left..

"He's thinking your my sister," Kevin said smiling and I giggled..

'Umm. No.. Las tiem I check you were my husband,' i said and a smile played on his lips. Kevin leaned over the table a little and kissed me softly on the lips. He taste good.. Like..mint!

I pulled away and Ian walked up.. He set two coffee cups down and our food with it..

Kevin waved him away and Ian growled but obeyed and I giggled...
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Ehh. Sounds liek a filler.. ASH'S TURN! COMMENT@!