‹ Prequel: Your Blood Calls To Me

Our Love Story

Alexandra's POV

I yawned, and opened my eyes. Joe was still sleeping. I shrugged, and stood up. I slipped on my black slippers. I walked downstairs, seeing Cody at the table. I sat beside him, and smiled.

"Hey buddy." I said. He grinned as Chase set a box of Fruit Loops down. I grabbed them, and one of the bowls from the table.

"Morning Alex. Sleep well, or, did you even sleep?" He smirked. I slapped him, and grabbed the milk. I poured some into the bowl, then the cereal. I took a spoon, and ate some.

"Shut up. I slept." I mumbled. Jason sat down across from me, and smirked too.

"God! Boys and their smirking!" I whined just as Joe came down. He smirked at me, making me groan.

"What's wrong with smirking? You know it's sexy." He murmured, picking me up. He sat on my chair, then sat me on his lap.

"Sure I do." I smiled, taking another bite. He ran his fingers gently up and down my back, sending chills up my spine.

"Anyways, I'm taking Cody over to Damien's, I'm going to the mall with Kyra, and Chase is hanging with his friends. I'd bring you along but... No." Jason grinned. I laughed, and kicked his foot.

"Shut up. I don't wanna come and see you making out with your girlfriend all day." I giggled. He rolled his eyes.

"Whatever, I'll see you later. Come on buddy." He said, putting his dishes in the sink. Chase grabbed his poptart from the freezer, and bit it.

"I'm going too. I'll talk to you guys later." He said, giving me a high five. He gave a thumbs up to Joe, then ran after our brothers. Joe smirked, and let his fingers go under my shirt.

"Joe, quit it." I giggled. He lightly kissed my neck, wrapping his hands around my waist. I turned around so I was facing him.

"Mm, I like this position." He smirked. I kissed his throat, then rested my hands on his chest.

"Mmhmm. I know you do. So are you sure your a vampire? You're pretty normal." I whispered. He nodded, and moaned when I hit his soft spot. I smiled against his skin.

"Baby, can we take this maybe... Upstairs?" He begged. I wrapped my legs around my waist.

"I have to carry you? Ugh, fine. It'll be worth it anyways." He stated. I smiled, and let him pick me up. He lost his balance, and accidently shoved me against the wall. At least I think it was by accident. He shoved his lips against mine, and grabbed my butt. I gasped, and he slid his tongue into my mouth.

He lightly squeezed me, causing me to press my body harder against his. He smirked.

"You suck. Seriously." I whined. He chuckled, and slowly carried me upstairs. He kicked my door open, then walked in, kicking it back closed. He pushed me back onto the bed, and started breathing heavily on my neck.

"I love you." He breathed. I smiled, and kissed him again.

"I love you too." I giggled. He lightly tugged on my pajama pants, looking up at me. I think he wanted to see if it was okay. I smiled, and pulled them down for him. He smirked, and started pulling up my night shirt. The only thing he had on was his boxers.

He pulled my shirt over my head, then ran his fingers through my hair. My hands gripped his boxers, and pulled them down. He smirked, and kicked them down. I giggled, and flipped us over. He looked up at me, and blushed. I smirked.

"Aw, poor baby. Scared?" I murmured. He playfully glared, and slipped my underwear down. He rolled over, and smirked down at me.

"Are you scared? I could kill you in a second flat." He kidded. I stuck my tongue out at him.

"You wouldn't want to do that, would you now?" I asked, batting my eyelashes. I felt his groin harden against my thigh.

"You like that, don't you?" He asked. I kissed his neck, and then ran my hands through his hair. He lightly moaned, then slowly entered me. I cringed, and dug my nails into his skin. He whined.

"Ouch. Don't you ever cut your nails?" He asked. The pain subsided, and I smirked.

"Why should I?" I giggled. He stuck his tongue out at me, and gently rubbed my sides.

He kissed me, easing his tongue into my mouth. I closed my eyes, and rested my hands against his chest. He smiled, and pulled away from me.

"I love you." He repeated. I laughed.

"I love you too." I yawned. He rolled off me, and laid beside me, grabbing the blankets from under us, and pulling them over us. I rested my head on his chest, and listened to his heart beat.
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Meg's turn!

-Echo [Ash]