‹ Prequel: Your Blood Calls To Me

Our Love Story

Isabella's POV

Kevin paid and we left. We went home and waltched a movie. I fell asleep but jumped awake when I heard yelling..

"STAY away from ELLA!" Kevin screamed and I heard something shatter.. I jumped up and walked slowly to the front room. The door is what I heard. It was split in half.

"Kevin?" I asked and he appeared and picked me up. He ran up the stais and into this bedroom with no windows.

"I'm going to lock you in here. Here's a key. Put a cross on the knob," Kevin said and I nodded. He kissed me then left. I locked it from the inside and put 4 crosses on the door. One on the top, one on the knob, and one at the bottom and another on the right side. I made a cross out of crosses.

"I Will get her Paul! Nicholas didn't kill her I did! And I'll do it again!" A voice said and then I heard fast footsteps.. I saw a wooden ocking chair and a fallen table in the room. I grabbed the legs of the table and waited.. I'm not defenseless now.

"I heard a bang against the door and a cry..

"She won't let you in Bailey!" I heard Kevin hiss and an image of Bailey flashed through my mind..

I gasped and it was him. Nick was trying to protect me! Bailey was behind him while he killed Alex and Bailey killed me..

"Isabella! Call out who's allowed to eneter the room!" Kevin said and i tooka deep breath..

"Only my Husband, Paul Kevin Jonas the second and Joseph Adam Jonas are allowed in this house!" I yelled and Kevin came through the door as Bailey tried but he hit a.. force field?

He came over and held me close to him..

"What did you say earlier? he asked and I smiled..

"Bailey. you are not welcoem in this house as long as we have it! And you are not invited to be any where on this proterty or Joe's and Alex's!" I hissed and he was thrown back as if someone was yanking him back by a chain. He disappeared and Kevin held me close..

"Are you alright?' he asked and I nodded.

'He couldn't get through the door," I said and he chuckled as he kissed my forehead.

:"You figured out the secret," he sai dand I looked at him..

'If you make a cross on a door with crosses, no vampire can get to you unless you say they can," he said and I smiled..

'I like that rule." I said and he alughed..

"Yes," he said craddling me in his arms.. I just closed my eyes and went to sleep.
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