‹ Prequel: Your Blood Calls To Me

Our Love Story

Isabella's POV

I felt light as a feather as I danced around in the ballroom.. It had to be another memory because it was in the same house but a different dress. then arm pulled me back somewhere. I thought it was Kevin. I turned around but froze with fear!

"Nic..nick?" I stuttered while he smirked.

"Yes, my beautiful mistress?" he asked pulling me even closer... I tried to get out of his grasp but he locked on pretty good..

"Nick.. I can't keep doing this.. I love Kevin," I whispered and his grip tightened around my petite waist.

"You're the one who started it my dear.. But now that you have. I'm afraid that you can't stop it.. and you can't tell Joe or Paul because you're as good as shunned." he said leaning closer to me so his lips very right infront of mine.

"I'm not married.. So it will look bad on your part. And the slaves know I'll kill them before they tell. and if you don't keep your mouth shut.. I'll have to kill you as well," he said coldly.. I was suddenly afraid of him.. He's stronger than me. If it wasn't for these long dresses I would be able to out run him..

"You've mistaken! You were the one who came and started it! That night in the palor!" I hissed an dhe chuckled..

"So you do remember. Well no one will believe such a silly child," he merely said and my blood started to boil

"How Dar-" I started but.

His lips pressed onto mine softly despite his other words... It was unbelievable that a man could be so mad yet so gentle.. It was unheard of!

I didn't kiss back.. It didn't feel right.. Non the less he retracked his lips.

"It was a goodbye kiss. I'm leaving for a couple of days," he said and I tried not to smile..

"Well goodbye," I said and he smiled. He held me for a moment longer then left. I heard heavy footsteps come downstairs.

"Isabella?" I heard and turned around.

"Paul! I didn't know you were up!" I said smiling a real smile. He smiled back. I walked over to him, the sways of the skirts were the only sound. I hugged him and I felt his arms go around me. I knew I was safe.. Safe for Nick or anyoe. His lips hit my cheek.. I looked up at him..

"What?" he asked and my eyes shined..

"You missed," I said and pushed my lips to his. He kissed back but pulled away for morning kisses aren't suppose to last very longer..

"My apoloiges," he said and I smiled.. His arms stayed around me though.

"Paul.. I have to tell you something.." I said sfotly.

He nodded and helped me walk up the stairs. We went into our room and he shut the door softly.. I wasn't going to let Nick scare me or control me any longer..

"Paul.. What I'm going to say.. Is horrid and I'm sorry. I understand if you never speak to me again for I will leave if it comes down to it," I said and his hands wrapped around mine.

"Just tell me.. It can't be that horrid," he said softly.. oh yes it is, I thought..

"Nick and I... Nick started an affair when we got married.. and has been going on until now." I said softly.. I was ashamed.. But surprisingly Paul didn't yell at me. and his hands stayed wrapped around mine..

"How?" he asked and I looked up at him..

"Well, he said he needed me to pick out a suit for him because he was bad with clothes. So i went into his bed chamber and picked out a suit and handed it to him.. He took the suit and laid it over the pine chair by his desk and stated, " I rather have you," I was shocked because I just married you but he said that him kissing and touching me isn't an affair. He said it was friends with benifits." I said tears welled in my eyes..

"I..I didn;t find out he was using me until this morning.. when i learned the truth. that it was an affair and I'm ashamed," I finished and he let go of my hands and wrapped his arms around my shaking figure.

"Isabella, shh. It's okay.. You did nothing wrong.. He is the one who will be hurt.." he said sharply but soothingly..

"But it's my fault!" I started but he lightly lifted my chin so I was looking in his eyes..

"He took advantage of a child and my bride.. You're so young that you couldn't tell the difference.. You did nothing and repeat nothing wrong. The gods will Damn him but forgive you," he said kissing my forehead and I let out the breath I was holding.. It felt like a weight just lifted off my shoulders and I felt free. I wrapped my arms around Paul and hid my face in his shoulder taking in everything about him.

"Don't worry sweetheart.. I'll take care of everything.. But I want you and Alexandra together today. Don't leave each others side and I will tell Joe," he whispered and I nodded.. His hand lightly pushed me in front of him so I was looking up at him. Then it gently caressed my check..

"You are so beauitful," he said and i smiled..

"I can see why he did it but this is going to stop. You don't lift a pretty little finger alright? I'll handle this. Now lets go find Alexandra so I can go comfront Nicholas," he stated and I nodded once. My arms went thru his and we walked down the hallway.

My eyes opened and I was being carried outside.. I felt the cool air meet my skin but I wasn't cold!

I looked up and saw Kevin..

"What.. What are you doing?" I asked and his eyes moved down to me..

"Carrying you while I go to the garden.. I saw the memory and remembered.. I didn't want you to start it again." he admitted and I smiled..

"You don't have to worry about that.. times have changed and I know when somethings wrong and soemthing right," i said and he kissed my hand.. I felt fabric around us and noticed there wasa blanket around me..

"What time is it?' I asked and he chuckled.

"8" he replied and I smiled but frowned..

"That means tomorrows our wedding..." I said still frowning..

"I thought you wanted to get married,' he said and I looked up at him..

"I do, trust me! but.. the rule.. I can't see you until the wedding so tonight I'm not going to be in our room. I'm going to be in Alex's.. Until we get married," I said and he chuckled..

"Yes but we have a few minutes before she gets up and steals you away for the day.. And I will be gone hunting most of the day so I won't have to on our wedding day and honeymoon which I picked the perfect spot," he said and I smiled.. I laid my head against his shoulder. He continued to walk but then started to walk back up to the house.. He sat in a shair with me on his lap..

"You're hot," he stated and I giggled..

"Thanks. You're pretty hott yourself," I said and he chuckled.. He leaned down until his lips connected with mine and I kissed back until I heard the glass doors open..
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