‹ Prequel: Your Blood Calls To Me

Our Love Story

Isabella's POV

"Kevin! Where are we going?" I asked.. He wouldn't let me see the plane ticket.. He just wrapped his arm around me and smiled...

"You'll see!" was all he said.. Then when we got on the plane. He put headphone on my head and After life filled my ears.. My eyes drooped and they finally closed. I could hear through the music,

"I love you,"

Then! Darkness..

Kevin's POV

I decided to call Joe and tell him where we're going to be, so he won't be worried..

Joe- WHAT?
K: I just wanted to tell you that we'll be in France.
J: DUDE! That was where I was going to take ALEX!
K: You should've got married first!
J: I'll take her somewhere better then!

backround: "Take me where?" Alex asked and I chuckled..

K: Have fun Joe

I hung up smiling.. Now I just had to survive the flight. I looked over at Isabella and she was too cute..

Her hair seemed to obey my thoughts.. Her hair stayed out of her face. Her make-up was the perfect touch and her outfit reminded me of what she use to wear..

And this dress showed off her curves and chest..

I thought about the lingerie Joe picked up and smirked.. Maybe she packed it..

"That would be so wrong if it was Alex's," I said lacing my hand thru Bella's.. She was so delicate.. Like a proclien doll. Just as beautiful as one but warmer than the cold glass.

hmm. We will get there kind of late.. We'll head to the hotel and then go site seeing tomorrow.

I started planning everything out in my head..
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Ash's turn! Comment!

Sorry for the shortest. the next ones will be longer!