Status: Go to my profile page for more info.

Beneath the Glass


"You should change it to a C chord," William suggests but Alex shrugs.

"I tried a C sharp but it still sounded distorted," he says.

"Maybe you should use-"

"Are we close?" I interrupt from the backseat. William had called shotgun so I was stuck in in the stupid backseat listening to a conversation I didn't understand.

"What was that? I couldn't hear you from all the way back there," William says, causing Alex to laugh.

"Fuck you," I mutter, kicking the back of his seat.

"We're almost there Angie," Alex answers and I smile.

"Thanks Alex," I say pointedly and William turns around.

"Don't I get a thank you sweetie?" he asks.

"What part of fuck you don't you understand?" I hiss and William smiles.


"Okay you guys, we're here. Stop fighting," Alex interrupts. He stops the car outside of a small club and gets out. I follow him to the back of the club --while shooting William glares of course-- and follow him inside.

"Are we supposed to be back here?" I ask slowly.

"Yeah William and I are friends of the bands playing."

I snort,"William has friends?"

"Yeah, they're not bitches like some of us," William says pointedly.

"I'm not a bitch. I just hate you."

"You only hate me, because you think I wanna hurt Nicole. But you're wrong. I happen to like Nicole a lot and I know she likes me too, so why can't you just leave us alone?!" he shouts. I stare at William in surprise and he shakes his head, before stalking off.

Alex gives me a look and I sigh, "William, wait!"

Alex glances between the two of us, before rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.

“I’m gonna go...use the bathroom,” he mutters, before practically running down the hall.

William crosses his arms and gives me an expectant look, “what?

“I want Nicole to be happy, but... what happens when you mess up?” I ask and William pushes his eyebrows together in confusion.

“Why do you think I’d-”

“Because that’s what guys do! It’s like you’re all programmed to make girls cry,” I interrupt.

“This isn’t about Nicole and I anymore, is it?” he asks slowly.

“Um, never mind,” I mumble, “I’m gonna go get Alex.”

I head down a series of hallways and only succeed in getting lost. “Shit. Shit. Shit,” I say under my breath, while pacing in circles.

“Who are you?” a gruff voice calls from behind me.

“Shit,” I repeat. I turn around and plaster a huge smile on my face.

“Um who are you?” I ask and the guy frowns.

“I don’t know how you got back here, but you’re leaving,” the guy says before grabbing my arm.

“Wait, no I’m here with Alex ,” I say, while being dragged down the hall.

“Uh huh,” the guy mutters. He pulls me past a group of guys, but one of them stops him.

“What’s going on Dale?”

The guy–Dale– shrugs, “Nothing Pete, I just found this girl sneaking around backstage.”

“I was not! I told you I was here with Alex,” I protest and “Pete” raises an eyebrow.

“You’re Angela?” he asks and I nod, as Dale loosens his grip on my arm.

“She’s cool. Leave her with us,” Pete says and Dale nods. Once he’s halfway down the hall I -bravely- yell 'fuck you Dale.' I turn back to Pete who’s smirking at me.


He shakes his head, “nothing. We’ll take you back to the dressing room.” Pete starts walking down the hall but I don’t follow.

Who are you again?” I ask, crossing my arms.

“I’m Pete. Alex and I are friends ,” he says and I roll my eyes.

“Why should I believe you?” I ask and Pete laughs.

“Am I really that creepy looking?” he asks and one of the guys he’s with says yes. I nod in agreement and Pete sighs.

“What about these guys?” he asks, gesturing to the group of guys behind me.

“Eh, not so much,” I answer.

“Patrick, lead the way,” he says and we all follow a short guy wearing a cap and glasses down the hall.
♠ ♠ ♠
I finally had time to write this, so I threw in some Stump. =]