Status: Go to my profile page for more info.

Beneath the Glass


“Hi, is this Stacy? Okay, well I’m calling to tell you that Jake has herpes...uh problem...bye,” Sam hangs up the phone and turns to me.

“She was recent. Like last night recent,” she says and I laugh before throwing another chip in my mouth. We had stolen Jake’s phone and were now going through all of the contacts. Including his mom, but that had been Sam’s call.

“My turn,” I say taking the phone from her. I dial the next name on the list, Tania and wait for her to answer. Across from me, Sam’s eyes are widening and she keeps glancing at me and her own phone. I mouth a 'what' as Tania answers the phone.

“Hi Tania, you’re friends with Jake right?” I ask and Sam gasps as Tania says yes.

“Well he just got into a car accident,” I begin and Sam holds her phone up to me.

“What?!” Tania shrieks.

It’s the picture of my head in William’s lap. Shit.

“No actually he has herpes,” I say quickly, before hanging up.

“Who sent you that?!” I exclaim, grabbing her phone.

“Nicole did. What the fuck is this Angie? You said you hated him!” Sam gives me an expectant look and I sigh.

“I fell.”

“Into his crotch?” she asks, incredulously. I shrug as the doorbell rings at the same time as Sam’s phone. I go to answer the door and cringe at who’s on the other side.

“Why did you take my phone?” Jake asks and I take a step back without answering.

“Are you trying to get my attention?” he tries again and I attempt to shut the door.

Jake holds it open with his foot, “I’ll leave when I get my phone back.”

“Okay fine,” I say, heading into my room and looking for the phone. Sam glances at me and then at Jake, before narrowing her eyes.

“What do you want?” she hisses.

“My phone,” he says and Sam laughs.

“Aw we only got up to the T’s,” she mutters, but thankfully Jake doesn’t notice.

Sam,” I say pointedly, as I finally locate the phone. I turn around to give Jake his phone , but he’s standing directly behind me. Way too close. I flinch and take a few steps backward.

“Angie, we need to talk about-” he begins, but I cut him off.

“No we don’t. You need to go.”

“What if I said I was wrong and I still-”

“Jake. Go,’ Sam hisses but he shakes his head.

“I shouldn’t have broken up with you but-”

Sam notices my tears before I do and she pushes Jake out of the room, yelling profanities the whole time. Sam comes back into the room and wordlessly hands me a box of tissues.

“I’m fine,” I mumble, wiping the tears away from eyes. I was lying. We both knew it, but Sam knows better than to push it.

“I’m gonna go get us some food okay? You sure you’ll be fine?” she asks. I nod and Sam pushes The Other Boleyn Girl DVD into my lap before leaving.
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My internet's been a bit spotty so sorry for the lack of updates...
I hope you enjoyed this one!