Status: Go to my profile page for more info.

Beneath the Glass


The front door pushes open and I can faintly hear Nicole giggle. It’s obvious that she’s with William but I don’t make my presence known. Instead I shrink down into the floor and pull my beer bottle closer to my chest. I’ve been sitting here for maybe a half hour alone. As soon as Sam left I had locked the door and grabbed a few beers.

Sam had knocked and knocked but I didn’t move and eventually she’d stopped knocking. She tried calling instead, but I shut off my phone. I liked being alone but nobody seemed to trust me. But then again I wasn’t entirely alone, I had Alex if I needed him. Or at least I hoped so.

“Angie! You home?” Nicole shouts.

I finish my second bottle and open a third. Nicole would probably assume that I was with Sam if I was quiet enough. And maybe when she wasn’t looking, I could sneak out and get some wine or something better than this cheap shit. The idea is so enticing that I manage to stand up and grab my wallet. Only ten dollars, I think. All of the presidents kind of look the same and the numbers are a bit blurry. My bedroom door pushes open and Nicole pokes her head inside.

She flicks the light on and I smile nervously, “hey Nicole.”

“I can’t believe you,” she hisses, her eyes darting to the empty bottles of beer.

“You should be happy that I’m not doing drugs instead,” I say and she glares at me. She grabs the three bottles and storms out of my room.

“What’s wrong?” William asks from outside.

“Nothing,” she answers in a clipped tone. I walk into the kitchen, where Nicole is tossing bottles into a small freezer.

“Nicole-” I begin.

“Please don’t say anything,” she says, glancing at William.

“Okay.” I sit down at the kitchen table and watch Nicole get rid of all traces of liquor in the house.

One Week Later

“Alex says there’s a party or something tonight. I’ve got this huge exam tomorrow but you can go,” Nicole says nonchalantly.

“Seriously?!” I exclaim.

Nicole was studying for her summer classes. I was bored out of my fucking mind. Nicole hadn’t allowed me to leave the house at all since last week, which meant no fun. If she left the house she took the car keys and called every liquor store that was within a mile away. She only allowed William and Sam to ‘see’-it was more like baby sit, if you ask me- me and ‘managed’ my cell phone.

I was only allowed to take calls from Sam and Alex. Alex called the most, but the conversations were filled with questions I was too ashamed to answer. Our talks didn’t last very long though; Nicole limited conversation length. And now I was being let out? I didn’t believe that. There had to be a catch.

“Yeah, I think you can control yourself for one night. Besides William will be there,” she adds, glancing up from her notes. There it was.

Either way, I needed to get out of this house and regardless of William’s looming presence I was going.

“You’re being serious! Let me call Alex,” I say. Nicole hands me my phone and I tell Alex to come get me before he leaves.
♠ ♠ ♠
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