Status: Go to my profile page for more info.

Beneath the Glass


When we get to the house party, without even thinking I grab a beer.

“What are you doing?” William asks and I flinch.

“Nicole told me to make sure you don’t drink,” he says, pulling the can out of my hand.

I drop my hand and smile nervously, “that’s um weird. ‘Cause she told me to get wasted.”William raises an eyebrow, as I reach for another can.

“You must have heard her wrong. She probably said make sure Angie drinks a lot,” I continue. William snorts and puts the second beer back.

“Come on,” he mutters, pulling me away.

“Nicole is overreacting. It’s not like I’m a fucking alcoholic,” I say, almost shouting the last word. I hated that word, but Nicole constantly used it to label me.

William drops my hand and looks me directly In the eye, “oh really?”

“Yes,” I hiss.

“Okay. One beer,” he concedes.

I grab the un-open beer and smile happily over at William. I could convince him to let me have a few more and then the fun could really start. Just like Jake used to say, a drunken Angie was way more fun than a sober Angie.

Next Morning

I wake up with a horrible headache and no memory of last night. Nicole was probably furious at me. I sigh and bury my head into my pillow. I blindly reach for the glass of water that Nicole normally places near my bed, before realizing two things. This is not my pillow and therefore not my bed. Upon opening my eyes I can confirm those two facts and one other: this isn’t even my room. What the fuck?

I sit up in the unfamiliar bed and run through my list of very limited options. This had only happened once before contrary to what you may or may not think about me. I didn't sleep around, I just enjoyed a good drink or two. So back to my options. I could confront whoever it was I'd slept with and tell them to forget about what happened or I could sneak out. The latter option was beginning to sound better and better as I turned it over in my mind, when Alex pushes open the door.

“Before you say anything, you should know that I don’t remember last night at all.” Alex nods slowly, while walking over to me.

“Okay well let me refresh your memory,” he says. I nod and sit up in the bed, feeling slightly uncomfortable. Had I done something wrong?

“You got drunk and then you kissed me,” he recalls, causing me to blush. Alex leans down and pushes his lips flush against mine. And then he pulls away. Lips on lips and then not. A completely innocent kiss.

“Just like that,” Alex continues. Alex smiles down at me and I smile back and we’re just staring into each other’s eyes and-

“What the hell are you guys doing?!” William bursts through the door, causing Alex to take a startled step backward.

“Hangover victim here.”

“Nicole is going to be here in ten minutes and you need to be able to convince her that you didn’t throw up in the backseat of my car last night,” William hisses.

“Okay fine. Just...give me a minute,” I mumble, shutting my eyes tightly.

“You don’t have a minute. Angie! Open your fucking eyes!” he shouts into my ear. I slowly open eyes and glare at William who’s taken Alex’s spot.


“You need to go clean my car.”

“Fuck off,” I retort. I get out of the bed, push past William and walk over to Alex.

“Where is the bathroom?” I ask.

“I’ll show you,” he says. I attempt to follow Alex out of the room but William grabs my arm.

“What now?”

“What are you going to tell Nicole?” he asks and I shrug.

“I’ll just say I had to leave the party early because of a headache.”


“I’ll take care of it okay?” I say and without waiting for a response I head off to the bathroom.
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Lemme know if you like it!