Status: Go to my profile page for more info.

Beneath the Glass


Nicole doesn’t ask any questions and on the car ride home she sighs every couple of blocks. It’s getting annoying very quickly.

“Nicole. I’m going to strangle you if you don’t stop sighing,” I finally say. She lets out one last sigh and glances over at me.

“Sorry Angie. I’m just really disappointed in you. I mean instead of staying home and trying to get a new job you went out and you got drunk. That is so typical of you,” she mutters the last part under her breath.

“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” I hiss.

“You always ignore your responsibilities so you can go out and get wasted.”


“Don’t tell me it’s not true because you know damn well that it is. I can’t believe you think I would fall for that bullshit excuse. You are twenty three years old but you’re acting like a sixteen year old girl! "

“Just...stop the car,” I order and Nicole gives me a sidelong glance.

“Angela I’m not going to-”

“Stop the fucking car!” I shout and Nicole pulls over. I unbuckle my seatbelt and push open the door.

“Where are you going?” Nicole asks.

“Away from you.” I get out of the car, slam the door shut and ignore Nicole’s calls.

“No Angie. Nicole told me what happened and you need to go back home,” Sam says. Three hours later and I needed to relax somewhere. “

Seriously Sam, let me in. I don’t have anywhere else to go,” I answer and she shakes her head.

“You can go home and you two can work this thing out.” I push my eyebrows together in confusion. Why was she being like this?

“Sam you don’t know what she said to me.”

“Go home Angela,” Sam says, before shutting her door.

“Fuck you!” I shout, before storming off.
♠ ♠ ♠
A bit short and filler-ish, I know...
Is anyone confused about why Angie doesn't even bothering lying to Nicole??