Status: Go to my profile page for more info.

Beneath the Glass


I had enough money for exactly three nights and the cheapest motel I can find. The bed feels like boards, the pillows are nonexistent and the room smells like cheap booze. I don’t know what I’ll do when my three days are up but going back to Nicole wasn’t an option. She was wrong. I didn’t ignore my responsibilities; I could find a job at anytime, if I tried. But trying involved being sober and that was becoming increasingly difficult. Everything seemed to be going the wrong way and to top it all off I was in a fucking cheap motel with no money for anything else.

The first day is the absolute worst. I crawl into the tiny bed and try to sleep but I keep thinking that I’ve never felt this alone. I don’t have the money or the clothes to go out tonight and so I lie there entirely sober. I never fall asleep. Nicole calls on the second day and leaves tons of messages that I delete. Sam calls too, to ask me where I’m staying. I don’t tell her and I eventually stop answering.

Alex calls once, saying he wants to talk and I stupidly give him the motel’s address. Alex shows up but he brings Nicole and Sam. Alex gives me a guilty look the whole time and Nicole looks close to tears. Eventually they get around to suggesting that I stay with William until I was ready to come home. I blatantly refuse. That night a rat runs across the floor and I pick up my phone to reluctantly call Nicole. Until I see Jake’s number on the missed calls list and get a much better idea.

The only thing I can remember the next morning is picking up some clothes and asking Jake if I could stay with him. After his grin and nod everything is an absolute blur. I sit up in the bed and glance around Jake’s room. It’s mostly the same: shag carpeting and clothes strewn around the room. The only difference is the empty picture frames. That’s odd. Before I can investigate further my phone starts ringing.

“What?” I hiss, desperately searching for some aspirin.

“Where did you go?” Nicole asks slowly.

“Did you need something Nicole?” I ask, sliding out of the bed. I head to the medicine cabinet and search for an aspirin.

“I need to know where the fuck you went Angela,” she retorts and I drop the bottle of aspirin in surprise. Nicole was not big on cursing but when she did it usually meant something was wrong.

“Whoa Nicole, what’s going on?”

“Nothing Angie I just wish you’d come home. You made your point,” she says and I snort.

“The last time you said fuck I left home. Did William do something to you?” I ask.

“No William’s great, I just…I need you to come back home,” she says, after a long pause.

“Fine, I’ll come back.” I hang up the phone take two aspirins and head into the kitchen for some water. Fortunately there was still no sign of Jake. I down the aspirins take a quick shower and change into a black and white shirt and jeans.

“Angie I got you a present!” I hear Jake shout as the front door slams shut. Oh fuck. I drop my hairbrush into my bag and push open the bedroom door. Maybe he wouldn’t notice.

“Angie! You look-” he begins, his grin widening.

“I need to go,” I interrupt, causing his smile to falter. Only for a second though.

“Wait but I got you something-” he tries, reaching into a bag.

“I don’t have time for you. Nicole’s expecting me,” I answer, walking past him.

“What do you care? You called her a bitch last night. Besides I just spent thirty bucks on this bottle of champagne, you could at least have a drink,” he says and I turn around at the word champagne. Jake always knew exactly what to say.

I bite my bottom lip, “okay just give me five minutes.”

Jake smirks, “I’ll be waiting.”