Status: Go to my profile page for more info.

Beneath the Glass


Okay why is George executed?” I ask, turning to face Alex.

“I don’t know. I don’t even know who George is!” he exclaims and I groan in frustration.

“Haven’t you been paying attention? Alex, this is the third time we’ve watched this movie!” I shout, reaching for the remote.

“Can’t we just forget about this?” he asks, grabbing the remote.

“Forget about this? Sam would never...shit!” I jump off of the bed and run back into the kitchen. I fling open the drawer, press the phone to my ear, only to hear a dial tone. I hastily dial her number again and Riley answers.

“You have interrupted movie night way too many times,” he says and I roll my eyes.

“Give Sam the phone.“

“What the hell was that Angela?” she hisses.

"I’m sorry, Alex came and I freaked okay?”

“I told you, it’s normal when guys-”

“Sam! We didn’t have sex or anything. We just watched a movie. Is that weird?” I ask cautiously.

“For you yes. You never have guy friends. I thought you liked him.”

“I do like him but-”

“Aw, I like you too Angie,” a voice that is clearly not Alex’s voice says. I spin around to face William and mutter a quick goodbye into the phone.

“What are you doing here?” I hiss.

“My girlfriend lives here,” he says simply, pulling open the fridge.

“Yeah about that, you need to find a new girlfriend.”

William turns to face me, a grin on his face, “are you implying that we should-”

“No!” I shout, perhaps too loudly. Both Alex and Nicole walk into the kitchen, looking slightly afraid.

“William I told you not to talk to her...” Nicole trails, giving me a look.

“What? I didn’t do anything.”

“You made him watch The Other Boleyn Girl three times?” she asks, holding up the DVD box.

“ gave him a key!” I retort.

“Besides the point Angie. You’re verbally abusing William and torturing Alex...what is your problem?” she asks, looking genuinely confused.

“Guys are my problem. They’re all total dicks...not you Alex,” I add, noticing his alarmed expression.

“Angie that’s not fair. Not every guy is like Jake.”

“Yeah duh, Alex is the exception.”

“Angie, can you please just give William a chance?” Nicole pleads.

“Fine but one screw up and I kick your scrawny ass,” I hiss, as Nicole pulls me into a hug.

“Thank you Angie! William and I are going to make you the best thank you dinner tomorrow!” she exclaims before taking William’s hand and running off.

“So I’m going to need that key back,” I say turning to Alex. He pulls the key out of his pocket but doesn’t give it to me.

“If I give you this key, then how am I going to see you?” he asks.

“There are these things called doorbells and cell phones-”

“I meant that I don’t have your number.”

“Oh, right of course. Here,” I say, handing him my phone. Alex puts his number into my phone and I put mine into his phone.

“I’ll make sure to call,” he says, smiling as I hand him his phone.

“Does this answer the girlfriend question or does this just make you a disgusting manwhore?” I ask, as Alex hands me the key.

Alex laughs, “no, I don’t have a girlfriend.”

“Cool so, I’ll see you later?”

“Yeah, I’ll call you,” he answers, before walking out of the kitchen.
♠ ♠ ♠
Do you guys like the new direction the story is taking, 'cause I'm not so sure....

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