Status: Updates very rare but happen randomly after long periods of time

Stay With Me

Chapter 9

"O nom nom nom!"

Jolyne groaned and buried her head in her hands, sighing deeply before she refrained heself from hitting the girl sitting across from her at the table. Lexy was giggling at the sounds Evey was making but tried not to show it since she didn't want to piss Jolyne off. Shakey was looking weird at Evey who was eating (thank god with her mouth closed, Jolyne thought) her food with a lot of appetite.

"I likes food, no m nom," Evey grinned.

"Thanks for the compliment?" Jolyne said in a sort of questioning tone as she wasn't sure if it was meant as a compliment or not.

"So what's on the program for today?" Shakey asked, suddenly eager to change the subject.

"I'm going to build a huge catapult and catapult myself over the fence into the neighbours garden!" Evey grinned.

"And I'm going to help her and then use it to dive on people in my Batman costume!"

"Nanananananana Batman!" the two girls sang together, obviously really excited about the whole plan.

"I'm going grocey shopping and I'm taking these two so they won't disturb our neighbours and actually don't get in the hospital with their stunts."

"Alright then, have fun," Shakey stood up, put his plate in the sink and kissed Jolyne on the cheek. Evey and Lexy watched and giggled afterwards before ending up whispering things to each other. Jolyne looked at the two girls and then shook her head, feeling like she was the mother of the two girls even though Evey was older than her.

"Iron Man does not grocery shop," Evey pouted as Jolyne started listening everything they needed.

"No, Pepper just calls the supermarket and they deliver it. Same with Batman, so, we'll go and build our catapult now."

"No, you're not," Jolyne glared, "you two are coming with me for groceries and no annoying me because otherwise it's gonna be worse than a few hits on your heads."

"You know, I don't like it that you always hit us," Lexy pursed her lips together and glraed back at Jolyne.

"Deal with it," Jolyne smirked.


"Okay, butter, go get the butter Iron Man."

"Yes ma'am," Evey sighed before she placed her Iron Man mask over her face and darted off in search for the butter. Jolyne looked at her disappearing around the corner and sighed at the girl's childish nature. Lexy was dressed in her Batman outfit, attracting small children who were fascinated by seeing Batman in a normal supermarket.

"Okay, Batman, go get us 6 bottles of water, big ones please."

"Got it," Lexy nodded before darting off down the aisle with her cape swishing behind her.

"Boom boom boom!"

Jolyne was suddenly attacked by small white ping pong balls that belonged to Evey's new toy. Her Iron Man sleeve had this automatic ball shooter installed and it was absolutely starting to annoy Jolyne and Lexy but apparently, Lexy seemed rather amused by it.

"What. Are. You. Doing?" Jolyne asked, looking as serious as she could even though she couldn't keep a straight face whenever she saw her friend with the Iron Man mask on.

"Shooting you, duh, and I can't find the butter."

"Go serach in the cooler department, and don't shoot little kids," Jolyne rolled her eyes, giving the white ping pong balls back to Evey who put them back from where they came.

"Oh yes, spoil my fun why don't you," she muttered under her breath as she stalked off towards the freezers.

"I'm planning on it," Jolyne muttered under her breath, smirking.

"Fear me! I'm Batman! Hear me roar!" Lexy yelled to one of the kids coming closer to her and then walked further down the aisle holding a six-pack of waterbottles. Jolyne took the bottles from her and placed them in the cart, pushing it further and looking on the list.

"Okay, go pick your favorite chips."


"Don't scare any more kids please!"

"Why not?" Lexy pouted, the only part of her face not hidden by the dark mask.

"Because your girlfriend is probably already doing that."

"Pft, doesn't mean I can't do it," Lexy growled.

"Fine, just don't get us kicked out," Jolyne sighed, knowing that just agreeing with the girl would save her a throbbing headache in the end.

Spectators of the local supermarket have been surprised this afternoon when two girls came into the shop completely decked in the Batman and Iron Man costume, obviously enjoying themselves and talking to the other customers as they shopped for their own groceries.

‘Yeah, we usually let Alfred or Pepper do our groceries but wanted to do it ourselves today, we were bored anyway’ says Iron Man.

The two girls, who were big fans of the superheroes, found it a good idea to walk around in the costume, not meaning any harm. The store manager however didn’t it all too amusing and soon called security upon the two unsuspecting girls.

‘They were masked; it’s one of our policy’s not to let any masked people in the store. Just as a safety against robberies.’

Even though they were no real superheroes, the two girls still put up a fight, claiming they were just helping their other friend –who wants to stay anonymous- doing groceries. The local security took them away and interviewed them, only to be releasing them roughly half an hour later after clearing them.

The two girls upon their new found freedom, immediately Iron Man threw the mask off and started making out with the Batman, carefully hiding her face to make sure the secret identity stayed a secret after all.”

“I can’t believe you two got in the news by doing that.”

“Doing what, making out in our costumes?”

“And actually fighting security in them, what do you think DC and Marvel will do now huh?”

“Joe Quesada is actually very amused by all of this,” Evey noted, nodding to Jolyne and showing the reply of Joe Quesada on twitter on the whole event, “I send him the article and he was just really awesome about it. DC won’t reply so I don’t know about them, but I’m sure Bale will put in a good word for us. And so will Nolan, we’re just fangirls after all, we’re not claiming to be them, we were just wearing the official released costumes.”

“Okay…” Jolyne blinked a few times and then just shook her head before changing the post on the television to a lighter program instead of the news.

“What did ol’ Joe say?”

“’Apparently fangirls have taken over the supermarket, wish they would break in on one of my meetings though, would make it all much more fun.’”

“Typical,” Lexy rolled her eyes.

“That man has a burning hatred for meetings, he has every right to hope that we’ll break in during one of them.”

“Hey you two, shut up, I can’t hear the television.”

“Then put it louder, not that hard.”

“Just shut up,” Jolyne muttered.

“Listen, lighten up okay? You stayed anonymous, so if you don’t stop bitching about what we do, we’ll shove a dick up your ass, without lube. You hear me?” Lexy glared.

“Auch, no lube,” Evey winced.

“Exactly, no lube.”

Jolyne glared at the two girls and then just turned back to her television program, nto really in the mood to argue with them. The two girls stared at Jolyne and then wondered if she even knew how painful it was without lube, let alone with lube but they didn’t go further in on the subject, just as Jolyne, they knew were to stop with their threats and jokes, although they often crossed it in the joke department. Not that anybody minded really, and if they did, well, they always earned a good hit on the head if they did go too far.

“Come on, let’s go to bed, we’ll build that catapult tomorrow, I’m too tired to sit here and watch television anyway.”

“Aaw, but I want to see the late news to see if they’ll repeat our article!”

“Honey, it’ll be in the newspaper tomorrow, you can just cut it out then. I’m going to bed and put on my sexy pj’s now.”

“Oooh, forget the late news, I’m coming!”

“Thought you would.”

“Okay, next time, no details please,” Jolyne sighed and shook her head making the two girls grin.