No More Secrets, No More Lies

Chapter 3

I ran into the house to see the living room completely destroyed. I could hear Dwayne still screaming upstairs. I followed his voice and saw him with Noah and Shannon beside him. “Oh sweetheart, come here.” The other two moved away and it was clear that his arm was fractured. “C’mon we’ll get you down into the car.” I said softly picking him up. “Guys you two come with me in Dan’s car.”

I had to be careful in how I put Dwayne in, I ended up putting him in the passengers seat, trying to hold him carefully as I drove and called Val. She answered straight away. I then got to call Dan and tell him to come to the hospital to pick up Shannon and Noah.

This was a fucking nightmare, I don’t know how they’re going to survive without me come this September. When I got to the hospital they took him in and out him on a morphine drip, with Val’s consent, and then proceeded to an x-ray. Val didn’t even ask about Matt yet.

“Mrs. Sanders?” the doctor called Val. We both looked at her. “You can see your son now.” The two went into Dwayne’s room and stayed talking, as I entertained Sean and myself.

Dan had dropped Owen and Ash off at Lee’s after I had to call her. Then he’d to bring Val’s two to my grandparents, Val’s parents, house because she needed to have the kids with someone as she attended to her rebel. Dwayne was her rebel, always in trouble or hurt.

Amy, Matt’s sister, was coming in to collect Sean for the night. To say she loved or adored Sean was an understatement. Whenever she came to the house Sean was the first person she’d look for. So naturally he was staying with her tonight. I was staying with Val because I could sense she was on the edge of breaking down.

~ ~ ~

“Johnny! Johnny! Sign mes arm!” Dwayne’s cast was his knew trophy, everywhere he went he was asking people to sign it. He even asked a cop that pulled Val over to check tax and insurance. It was really funny. He needed to get a plate in his arm to fix it up properly; this is pretty much the first day he’s been morphine free. Although it was really funny seeing him off his head.

“Happy eighteenth love,” Lacey hugged me, handing me a shot. “Don’t tell your parents or we’re both dead.” She smiled, every time we all went to parties I could be assured that her and Gena would be feeding me drink the entire night. First thing I asked when Val said she was throwing the party was, are Lacey and Gena coming.

Everyone was here, it was the band, their roadies and significant others and children, all of Avenged’s parents and sisters and brothers, my friends, Dan, his parents and older sister. Oh and Larry, you must love him, apparently when I was younger I had a crush on Larry. I laughed and told Zack to fuck off when he said that.

“Hey little shit, you’re growing up!” Brian hugged me from behind. “Trust me you’re gonna get the best mother fucking present off your godparents, and if Jimmy out does us, we’ll buy you a stripper pole.” I laughed, Brian was my godfather because Jimmy was living with him at the time and he was picked.

“Thanks, but who says I don’t have one?” I asked, seeing him frown. Michelle waddled over, looking really pissed off. “Hey, you look good, what’s up?”

“Oh I’m just sick of having his child kicking my bladder every two seconds.” She sighed, then pulling me into some sort of hug. Michelle was my godmother; best one ever might I add. The funny thing is though she and Brian had pretty much hated each other when I was born now look where they are. Been together nearly ten years, married for five of those, and are expecting their first child. “I can already sense that he’s going to have the death of me.”

“Stop calling it a he, it’s a girl.” Brian told her firmly, he was in total awe with the idea of having a little girl, but Michelle and I already knew it was boy thanks to a quick call to the doctor. “It’s gonna be a girl, you better have that $500 ready for me.”

“You better get ready to give me a $500 and I want it right after I have him.” She said smugly sitting down. He just threw her a dirty look, I loved when he was in the wrong it was so funny to see his reactions. “Babe, can you get me a glass of water for the baby please?”

He went to get the drink as fast as he could. “You have him trained well my friend,” I grinned, downing my shot. “So have you found anything out on the whole Matt and Val situation yet?” I asked in a much lower tone. She shook her head.

“That bitch won’t tell me anything,” Michelle snorted. “She said and I quote ‘doesn’t want to put you or the baby under and stress’. I said that’s a load of crap, but she still won’t tell me.” She had lost a baby four years ago because of high blood pressure and high levels of stress at five months, so I think that’s why Val isn’t telling her anything. “Have you found out anything?”

“Nope,” I sighed. “Like I said the two of them have been avoiding each other. Matt either stays in his office drinking or goes to the park with the kids. Val does nothing; she’s like a brick wall. I totally expected her to break down before now.”

“Your mom is a very strong woman.” She assured me. “When you where a few months old, my parents told Val to go with the boys touring for a week or two so she could have a break. It was a real torment to get her to go. Eventually we had Matt and Zack to drag her out. Imagine leaving your daughter at seventeen to go on tour with your boyfriend, the other guy that knocked you up and six other idiots. I felt so bad for her.”

“Then why didn’t see just not go? I mean that must have been so awkward with Jimmy and Matt sleeping in that tiny van all the time.”

“Beats me sweetheart, I went to college. Mom loved having a baby in the house again, to be honest it was great because Christmas birthdays and everything was so much more fun with you around.” I called her an emotional sack and she hit me. “It’s not my fault.” She whined. “It’s just that-”

She was cut off by a loud thud. I shot up to see what the hell was happening, next thing I see is Matt and Jimmy, mostly Matt, beating the crap out of each other. I ran over and began shouting at them, so was Val.

“Get the fuck off me, you ass hole.” Jimmy yelled, pushing Matt away. But he just kept pushing for more. “What the hell did I ever do to you? I though we were friends?” he was dodging Matt’s punches left, right and centre.

The Berry’s, Danny and Zack tried pushing Matt away from Jimmy, but it wasn’t working. Jimmy kept going for him; Brian and Dan had to hold him against one wall as the other’s held Matt down on the ground.

“What the hell are you doing?” I heard Zack, yell at Matt. I just stood there as everyone was either yelling at my dad or my step-dad. “Grow the hell up, you’re fucking kids just saw you fight one of your best friends how the fuck does that make you feel, huh?”

I heard a grunted response but all I could do was stand there, someone was talking to me but I wasn’t listening. I needed to know what the hell was going on with them. I wanted to know. After a few minutes they both calmed down, the guys got off them. But I knew what was going to happen; Matt was going to go at it again. And he did, this time the guys where barely able to pull him off.

“What the fuck did I ever do to you?” I looked at Jimmy he looked hurt. Physically he was,but the look on his face, it was the look that said where’s my best friend? “Just fucking tell me, someone?”

“He knows Jimmy,” Val muttered beside me. I looked at her; I was crying, she was crying. Then I looked to Matt he looked like he would murder my dad if he could. Jimmy looked as though his heart dropped to his feet. What the hell did Matt know?

All Jimmy said was,“Oh crap.”