Love Is A Four Letter Word.


“Hey Geek”….the most popular girl in school said while making Stephalina drop all her books. Stephalina was a geek, nerd, freak…whatever you wanted to call it. But, to her she was just…different. All her life she only had one single friend…her name was Bertranna. Bertranna had a choice to be a nerd or to be popular but she choose to be stephalina’s friend which made her a nerd also. She picked up her books and walked to class. She took a seat behind Bertranna, while the seat next to her was always empty…no one ever wanted to sit next to the freak. Suddenly the door opened and there stood a fairly attractive boy. The girls started to whisper and giggle as the boy smirked knowing they were talking about him. “Students this is Nick Jonas...he has transferred from California to our wonderful state New Jersey”…the teacher began then continued “Mr. Jonas will you please sit next to Stephalina”...he finished. The boy strolled down the isle and sat on the empty seat. The class finally began, Nick turn to Stephalina. “Hey”...he said smiling. “Hello”…Stephalina replied, not even turning to him…keeping her eyes on the board. “What’s up”..he asked.” You’re going to get us in trouble so please stop talking to me”...she answered finally looking at him then turning to the board. He was shocked, never in his life did a girl not want to talk to him…she was different, and he didn’t like it.