
It's Mikey's wedding day. Alicia's standing dressed up in a flowing white gown. Mikey's standing tall and smart in his black tuxedo for the happiest day of his life. The entire band stands watching, prouder of him than they imagined, with smiles that could light up the Earth.

But someone watches with a tiny void in his heart. Because he's in love.

Author's Note: There will be no more. This is a oneshot. Please do not subscribe. If you like the story, comment and tell me why. If you thought the story was crap, comment and tell me why so I can uncrap it.

This is my first attempt at first-person narrative, so I really want to know what I did right and what I did wrong.

Also, I want you, the reader, to comment and tell me whether or not you guessed who the narrator was at the beginning of the story and whether or not you guessed at the first clue and the second clue. Thanks! ^_^ Happy reading!