This Is Our Fate

"What we did was wrong. Every bit of it.
And I just hate myself, so very much, for not regretting it."


Mikey Way and his older brother Gerard could be described as close. Awfully close. In fact, they loved each other, in a wonderful, immoral way. And when their suspicious behavior gets realized, they're forced to separate.

It's three years later, and the Way brothers meet again, under unexpected circumstances. Only, Gerard seems to have moved on with his new love, Bob. Drama ensues.

  1. There's A Piece Of Me,
    In every single second of every single day.
  2. I Encourage Your Smiles.
    I expect you won't cry.
  3. The Battle's Only Halfway Done.
    I might look young, but I'm no less defeated.
  4. How Did This Night Become The Enemy?
    It's over, it's over, it's over.
  5. In My Disgrace
    Stuck In My Head Again
  6. This Mix Could Burn A Hole In Anyone.
    It's you I was thinking of.
  7. Tell Me Baby.
    What's your story?
  8. If Love Is A Labor,
    I'll slave til the end.
  9. Cinderella she seems so easy
    "Well it takes one to know one" she smiles
  10. I've got more important things,
    than shiny diamond rings and modern furniture.