
Kristen Redwood is a completely average teenager, despite her abnormal name. She goes to an average school, and leads an overall average life.

Until someone murders her father.

Kris simply cannot accept that her father’s death was an accident, or gang violence. Something about the math isn’t adding up in her mind. Things only get stranger when a fortune and a letter from her father, is signed to her. Eris gets an idea in her head, and it simply won’t leave: The Siren killed her father.

His name is famous in the underground world – he is a magician, a mastermind. He is unmatchable, elusive, and ruthless. He only kills those with power, and there are no accidents.

So why would he kill her father? This is obviously his work. The police station consoled her by saying that it was simply his sick and twisted way of showing that he will kill anyone, anytime, anywhere.

But Kris thinks different. She knows that something important, involving her father, is going to turn the world upside down in a matter of weeks.

The only question is how much she can do to stop it…

And how much she must leave to chance.