The Black Dog Apparition

The Black Dog Apparition, a garage band comprised of four teenagers, is thrown to the wolves when their hard-won record label sends them off on their first national tour: Van's Warped Tour. But the Zodiac killings seem to be following the teenagers wherever they go, and after a previous close encounter, the band of friends is more than aware of their follower. But the show must go on, mustn’t it?

With the pressure of the tour's demands closing in, things begin to fall apart. People start to lose their minds, start forgetting who they are and what is suppose to happen. People start vanishing. People start dieing. Could it be that the Zodiac killings aren't at all Zodiac killings, but instead something much more sinister... something much more familiar?

Rating R for language, slight drug and alcohol reference, and violence

Point of View Alternating first person. Narrator will be stated

Disclaimer I do not own Van's Warped Tour, nor the Battle of the Bands hosted by The Early Show. I do, however, own The Black Dog Apparition and all original characters and lyrics. Any previously copyrighted lyrics will be given a proper copyright to their original owner.

Copyright Syck 2007
Unless stated otherwise.
You steal, you die.

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