Into the Goblin Wood

The land of Lydonia is being overrun by the many species of goblins coming from the extremely large range of mountains called the Orc Mountains. Three years ago, at age fourteen, Crown Prince Colin disappeared in the Royal Forest right by the capital, and everyone believed he was dead. The new name for the Royal Forest was The Goblin Wood.

Now there are only six safe places: the capital, right beside the Royal Forest, named Sheri, the cities of Wyvern Pass, Yellow Dragon, Flying Horse, Spellopolis, and the non-magic (anti-magic, actually) city of Magicide.

Raya is a normal girl who lives on the outermost edge of Sheri, until she's chased into the depths of The Goblin Wood.

This is her story.

Are YOU a witness?

(If you stick through this, the sequel is probably better. It's much newer...since I kind of forgot about it for a while...)
  1. Prologue
    A bit more on the background of this story...
  2. To Survive
    Raya enters the Wood...
  3. Quaint Little Village
    Raya meets hobgoblins.
  4. After Three Weeks
    Raya has been in the village for three weeks now...
  5. What You Wouldn't Want to Dream
    Well, there's two dreams...
  6. Various Encounters
  7. Lilith
    Sorry, in advance, it's kind of short...
  8. Flee
  9. The Blood in her Veins
    Raya's blood...what about it?
  10. Focus
    Raya's training begins
  11. Proof of Skill
    Raya and Colin must prove themselves to Lilith as fighters...
  12. Oh, Shit!
    Raya and Lilith must be distractions.
  13. The Urdak and the Seer
    Raya and Lilith distract, Colin and the others escape.