Muze, Daddy

Andrea is the most beautiful girl Ryan has ever seen. She's got brown hair and crystal blue eyes. Every time he picks up a guitar she dances. Every night when he kisses her before bed she looks up at him and says "I love you, Daddy".

Ryan's been taking care of Andrea since he found out she was his daughter, two and a half years ago, a month after his band released their first CD. Despite the fact that it was "insanity", he brought the girl with him on their first tour, on their second, to the recording studio when they began recording album number two.

Meanwhile, Brendon is become more and more possessive of the young girl, more and more disagreeable about Ryan's parenting, more involved than Ryan would like him to be.

Will contain Ryan/Brendon and Fall Out Boy.

Inspired by The Way's Single Parenting challenge.

Recced on Mibba Radio.

My 100th story on Mibba!
  1. Prologue: Andrea
    Jon looked up from his laptop, amused. "Aw, just play guitar for her, Ryan."
  2. Part One: Phone Call
    "You have a kid?" "Apparently."
  3. Part Two: Date
    "Didn't do it." "You sound like Brendon. Stop it."