Status: Hiatus. No one reads it, so....



The one word that has haunted her since her birth. The only thing that has any control over her life, other than herself. Her only weakness. What she is.
A Shadowblood.
The most feared assassin of her kind.


Dancing With a Liar by Renfue
I Never Told You What I Do For a Living by My Chemical Romance
Fight Inside by Red
Dance With the Devil by Breaking Benjamin
It's Not a Fashion Statement, It's a Deathwish by My Chemical Romance


Though not written specifically for a contest, this is entered in This Contest, hosted by CynicalDreams
(This story won THREE prizes in the above contest!)

Also entered in the Vampires Galore! contest.
  1. The Sharpest Lives
    Chapter 1
  2. Until the End
    Chapter 2
  3. The Kill
    Chapter 3
  4. Evil Angel
    Chapter 4
  5. Bird and the Worm
    Chapter 5
  6. I'm Using You
    Chapter 6 redone
  7. I Never Told You What I Do For a Living
    Chapter 7
  8. Scavenger of the Damned
    Chapter 8
  9. Ignorance
  10. Good Girls Go Bad
    ....or have they always been that way?
  11. The River
    Music vid instead of link ;)
  12. Voodoo