Meet the Armstrong's!

Currently Green Day is on tour but makes a stop home. Kids get a surprise before starting school. Joey gets put back in his place by his sister Alexis which makes him nicer to her. Joey starts high school and is nervous but is happy to have his older sister by his side. Follows the life of the crazy family.
  1. Bummy Jake to Happy Jake with one phone call
  2. Joey gets the wake up that he will never forget
  3. Payback's a bitch joseph!
  4. Back to school shopping
  5. Dad!
  6. I miss dad alot when he's gone...
  7. San Diego Zoo
  8. To Adventure Dome we go!
  9. Green Day's last show before heading to Europe
  10. Going to kings Island!
  11. A day at Kings Island
  12. Last day at Kings Island
  13. Going home, Going to see Halloween two
  14. Family!
  15. First day of School
  16. Saturday!
  17. What should i get Jake for his Birthday?
  18. Bedroom shopping and home movies
  19. Tim is coming!
  20. Jakob's 11th Birthday!
  21. Can we have a sleepover?
  22. Wild night
  23. Hanging
  24. I can't think of a title
  25. Jakob's Special Day
  26. Alexis's Special Day
  27. Joey's Special Day
  28. Family Day
  29. Traveling to see dad
  30. Getting to Cologne, Germany
  31. Sheffield, England
  32. Will Infiltrate Jakob!
  33. The Beach Boys
  34. Halloween!
  35. American Music Awards
  36. Putting up the tree
  37. Christmas Party
  38. Christmas!
  39. New Years Eve Iced Out!
  40. Hanging out with the fam
  41. Disneyland
  42. Last day at Disneyland
  43. This day was great until the phone call that killed us all
  44. The saddest day ever
  45. Intervention
  46. Honors Event
  47. Planning Dad's Surprise Party
  48. Dad's Surprise Birthday party
  49. Family History
  50. Family History Part 2
  51. Joey and Alexis's birthday!
  52. Baseball
  53. Korn!
  54. Shopping, planning spring break
  55. Going to Orlando
  56. Universal Studios
  57. Disney World
  58. Beach
  59. Going home
  60. Going to see Avenged, late night fun
  61. Hitting the studio with the American Idiot Cast
  62. Telling the Kids, Getting the best offer!
  63. Going to New York
  64. Sightseeing
  65. Rock and Roll Hall of Fame Awards
  66. Possible Future Plans
  67. Day with Drake
  68. Bamboozle Roadshow 2010
  69. DCMA Party
  70. Benji's Fight Night
  71. Last day of School, Atreyu concert! Sleepover
  72. My Little Girl
  73. To New York we go!
  74. Bowery Electric
  75. Morning After Bowery
  76. Family Trip before the pop leaves
  77. First day of Family Trip...So tired!