Status: complete


Title: Hypocrisy
Fandom: Hey! Say! JUMP
Author: Saida
Pairing: Chinen-centric, if you're good at guessing, it's one-sided Chiitaro and Dairyu (guess where? *cough*konbini*cough*), and mentions of Hikato and Hikanoo
Word count: 414
Genre: Failed angst
Summary: People masking their true feelings. They're all just hypocrites.
Notes: MEH FAILLLLSSSSSSSS!!!!!!! (TwT) THIS ISH TRULY FAILSSSS!!!! Errrr~ Gomen for the...*points at summary* That's just how I feel I guess. Since well, I'm categorzed in that a mask outside...and inside...I'm feeling differently...well, only at school though...*DIES* Nyaaa~ you're not here to read meh rambling....SHOO! Go read the fic...xDDD Comments are appreciated...xD
Disclaimer: I do not own them...*went to a dark corner and draw random circles on the floor*
  1. Hypocrisy
    People masking their true feelings. They're all just hypocrites.