Status: Inactive/discontinued

The Only Way Out

Will this emotionally disturbed girl ever overcome her addiction to Heroin? Will she ever be able to love another individual again? Will she get over her awful past and get a hold of the reigns on her life for the future? Or will she just give up and let drugs consume her until they finally take her life? Ava has not yet made up her mind, but as soon as someone walked into her miserable existence, things just quite possibly might change forever.

This story might change everything for you... Including your whole outlook on life. You'll finally be able to appreciate what you do have, not what you wish you had.

Warning: Explicit content! May not be suitable for persons seventeen years or younger! Descriptive sex, violence, drug use, and language.

Disclaimer - This story features The Devil Wears Prada, and no, I do not own them. In fact, I don't even like their music. But I decided they'd be a great band for this story.