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If Forever Means Me and You

Just a tip to all you guys out there. Never, ever, EVER, under any circumstances, turn your nacrophobic girlfriend into a vampire.
My name is Tabitha Ravenila. This is exactly what my boyfriend Chase has done to me. He thought it would be better for us, but he was waaaay off on that one. Selfish ass crack.
Well, now I've moved on. I've fallen in love again with a new man, one who's way better, more compassionate, hotter, and more mature than Chase. Except he keeps trying to get me back, and thinks I'm subconciously still in love with him or something. Pretty cocky, huh?
The truth is, Chase was the love of my life, and he'll always have a spacial place in my heart. But now, (and apparently forever) I hate him and I hope he becomes a wooden stake pincushion.
Just because I've found a new guy doesn't mean vampire life is all fine and dandy. I still want to go home more than anything.
And I've found a way. I'm taking this opportunity if it's the last thing I do, and it probably will be. I'm most likely going to die. But you know what? It's better than being a murderer living in a cave for the rest of eternity.
Tabitha must choose between the love of her life and the human life she hated. Seems like an obvious choice...but will she make the right one?