Status: Faith May is dead?

You Mean You're Dead?!

"Mommy?" Faith called, her chest swelled with the knowledge that something terrible was happening.
"Faith - Faith run! Run as far as you can and don't look back. Mommy and Daddy love you. Now run."
"No Mom, I'm not going." Faith turned around to see her Mother pushed up against the door trying to hold it shut while her Father gathered up his rifle. Before she could do anything the door burst open, without even looking Faith ran into the kitchen and crawled into the cupboard under the sink. Not knowing it'd be the last thing she ever did.

Shelby just moved into a new house - okay well mansion -new town and at her new school when she hears the rumor of little Faith May and her family who were murdered, and it is said that Faith never left the land where her family lived in a mansion - the mansion Shelby lives in. Appearently they had never found Faith's Family's killer, and everyone in the town was affraid of the house, and its history.

Then one night Shelby wakes to the sound of someone screaming, terrified, she goes downstairs only to meet Faith May. But Faith isn't just there to haunt Shelby - she needs something from her - she needs Shelby to help find her murder.
  1. Breakaway
    I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly, I'll do what it takes til' I touch the sky, and I'll make a wish...