Status: Completed story about a friendship and a love between a human and a vampire.

Julia and the Lost Vampire

"The sun seems rather playful today, don't you think?" Julia said to her traveling partner as she stared out the window from the carriage she was in. She was on her way to her uncle's house where she would be meeting the head of the Redaria mansion, her uncle, in London. She would be have to make a decision dealing with the master's company. It would be as always, she would be greeted while later her traveling partner would make the deal instead of always. After all, that was what he was hired to do for the Mayor family.

"Yes, it seems so. I guess this is a good day for you, isn't it Mistress Julia?" he smiled. That same smile he would use when finishing off a deal and like always she would ignore it.

"Why would you say that?" she asked, thinking it was an intriguing notion.

He turned to her still flashing that smile and said, "Well, you tend to hide from the sun as well mistress. Anyone would say you were some kind of vampire." He turned again looking uncomfortable commenting of his mistress way of living.

"Hmm." She lowered her head, looking down on her dress. "It sure seems that way, doesn't it?"

By her voice she would sound mostly insulted or annoyed by her companion's comment, but she was everything but insulted. If anything she was...thrilled.

© copyright 2010
  1. Julia and the Lost Vampire(1)"Staring Death in the Face"
    A boy was laying on the ground, his clothes dirtied like he had been stomped on by horses. She had just killed a boy!
  2. Julia and the Lost Vampire(2)"He Bites With Fear"
    Then, everything went white. But before it did...a thought swept through her mind. It was..."Is he really going to bite me?"
  3. Julia and the Lost Vampire(3)"The Beginning of Darkness"
    Finally, someone recognized her and she had a way to get back to the mansion!
  4. Julia and the Lost Vampire(4)"The Welcoming"
    "Yes, my name is Nicholas and I'm a fellow vampire just like cute litle Ciel here!" he smiled.
  5. Julia and the Lost Vampire(5)"The Singing Angel"
    Lacrimosa, broken and vanishing into the distance, I want to love this dazzling world once more............"
  6. Julia and the Lost Vampire(6)"Undercover Mission Into Hell"
    Yes, it was Michael. Michael was her cousin from London and he too had a short temper like her father had.He walked furiously towards Julia, with his blond hair and sparkly green eyes.
  7. Julia and the Lost Vampire(7)"The Vampire and Princess in Black"
    A smiled grew on her face, and as it did she gave Ciel a big tight Nicholas like hug.
  8. Julia and the Lost Vampire(8)"The Uninvited Guest"
    He had said,"Mistress Julia, you have a guest staying for a few days here in the mansion."
  9. Julia and the Lost Vampire(9)"Two Faced Nightmare"
    Michael is suddenly being...nice to me? he doing this...why is he being...such a two faced jerk?!
  10. Julia and the Lost Vampire(10)"Unconscious Return"
    Michael was becoming something to worry over, she was becoming useless and Ciel....was falling apart inside.
  11. Julia and the Lost Vampire(11)"Romantic Kidnapping"
    That sill didn't stop the fact that Ciel was handing her to the vampire. She struggled but the vampire's force was stronger."Ciel!"she screamed as she saw him walking away"What are you doing?!".
  12. Julia and the Lost Vampire(12)"Black Rose"
    "Hmm?Well, a black rose could mean many hings but for me to hear death...maybe someone will die?"he said.
  13. Julia and the Lost Vampire(13)"Dance of Black Roses"
    Then...his prayers were answered when she said something...that she shocked both human and vampire in that building. "Please...don'' hurt...Ciel" she said.
  14. Julia and the Lost Vampire(14)"Walking On the Side of the Light"
    "No, after that" he said persistantly. " mean, what I can do better than a seventeen year old coward?" he gave him that demonic smile again and turned his head back to Julia.
  15. Julia and the Lost Vampire(15)"Another Time"
    "What am I thinking?! I can't do that to her, she's been through so much already...yet I am so...thirsty" he said running his hand to her neck.
  16. Julia and the Lost Vampire(16)"The Smell of Death"
    The smell was in the air. You couldn't actually smell it but it was something you could just feel.
  17. Julia and the Lost Vampire(17)"Aching Forgiveness"
    "It's okay," he told her as he wrapped his arms around her and held her head to his shoulder,"it's not your fault. It's not your fault that he got hurt, so don't be sad...don't be sad."
  18. Julia and the Lost Vampire(18)"Awaking Pain"
    But the words that spoke out of those cold blue eyes, or rather just one eye since the other was completely different and covered with an eye patch, were..."Can I really trust you again?"
  19. Julia and the Lost Vampire(19)"Between a Rock and a Hard Place"
    "...I fact I am starting to believe that Julia is one of them. These humans are called...signorino."
  20. Julia and the Lost Vampire(20)"The Vampire and the Signorino"
  21. Julia and the Lost Vampire(21)"Forever Will He Be Phantomhive"
    Julia gasped loudly, as Ciel put Julia's injured finger between his lips making the blood disappear.
  22. Last Julia and the Lost Vampire Chapter: "Precious Family"
    "Oh, it's fine," she answered, indifferently. Giggling, she tightened her grip on his arm and rested her head against him.