Matt, George, Fred, and Bob

Kim, Mollie, Rie, and Cat are quadruplets. They are starting their first year at Hogwarts. Eventually, all of them will fall in love. But there are bumps along the way.

Fred and George are twins, and Lee is their best friend. They're coming back to Hogwarts. They meet the girls, and fall in love.

Draco is starting his first year as well. He falls for two of the sisters, but only one falls for him.

Let the madness begin.

DISCLAIMER: We do not own any of the Harry Potter characters or basic plot lines. We do not own Hogwarts or any other place/thing in the books. Although if we did one of us would have killed off Pansy the pug and Proff Triloony a LONG time ago... JUST SAYIN!

Both of us work on the chapters together so we update and post when we have time. Who ever has the time will post teh next chapter to the sight. Just so you don't think one of us dose all the work or what ever. LOVE LOVE CAT AND RIE!!