
Another one for Mallory.
I love you with every organ in my body. I feel like I can't live without you and every moment I'm not with you, I can't breathe. You've been the best part of my life since the 6th grade. You've been the best friend I could ever ask for, no matter how rough it got. You've always been there for me, and I'll be here for you. I want to snuggle up in bed with you and just sleep. I hate this mushy dumbfuck shit, but it's how I feel, and I've only felt it for you. You're the most special thing in my heart. I'm overwhelmed by you in the best way. You are metaphorically smothering me with insanity, but it's made me happier than I've ever been.
I don't just spit out "I love you," for no reason. Mallory and I are more different than any of you. We've been best friends for four years, so I know I mean it when I say: "I love you to death, Mallory."

Don't expect anything phenominal this time, it's supposed to be sweet and gentle, it's not nearly as raunchy as my others, deal with it, kthanks :)