Billie Joe's Reality

8-year old Billie Joe Armstrong, has been denied the rights to a normal childhood, ever since his mother unexpectedly dies. His father blames him for his loss, regularly getting into a drunken frenzy and hurting young Billie.

At school, his classmates shun him for his lack of ability to meet the fashion standards. At home, he cowers in his room, fearful of another beating.

By pure coincidence, the arrival of one, Mike Dirnt, sparks that little flame of child. Can Mike befriend him? Teach him how to live? Help him to become a child again, to run free and wild and to never look behind him? But most importantly, can he save him from his demon father?
  1. You are my only friend
    Billie Joe holds a conversation with Orion.
  2. My name's Michael and I'm 9-years old.
    Michael Ryan Pritchard arrives in classroom B5.
  3. How it should be
    Michael has left for John Parkers gang and Billie gets a present.
  4. After everything I did for you.
    Billie has a valuble possesion stolen from him.
  5. It's yours, isn't it?
    Is it friendship?
  6. The Gardens
    First name bases
  7. You may as well wear it.
  8. Never say never.