Sequel: Nature's Law
Status: Finished =D -In the process of re-writing-

Nature's Law

I sat there, staring.
Just staring.

The person staring back at me had changed.

The energy had drained out of her mossy green eyes and her fiery red hair had faded. It looked weak, straggly. Dead.
As if a gardener had forgotten to water a flower, all of the beauty was lost.

But the biggest, scariest, difference was to her face.
The skin was sallow and sickly white and her cheeks looked hollow and deflated.
Like balloons.

She stood up and smashed the sheet of glass in front of her as clear, crystal tears leaked out of her eyes.

I hated myself for doing this to her, but it was the law of nature.
So why does it feel so wrong?


I guess that you could call Lia Grey normal, she goes to a Prepatory Academy with a scholarship for music, she has a sister that is a bully and a mum that doesnt really understand her.

But then Scott comes along.
And everything changes.

There is a law of nature.

And its the one law that isnt supposed to be broken.
  1. Prologue
  2. Back to Grey
  3. Beethoven
    Just a filler really, shows some more of what the personality's are like.
  4. Nightmares
    The first big (ish) event happens
  5. Blackout
    another biggish event happens. Aha, quite a few big things happening now =)
  6. The Aftermarth
    really short filler
  7. Harley
  8. Phone calls & Piano keys
  9. Unpreventable Feelings
  10. Schwarzes Lock
  11. Flashing Lights
    Another big event happens, oh and we get to see some more of Quinn
  12. Death & Dishonour
  13. 6ft Under
  14. Trauma
    We're actually getting into the main plot line now =D This is a VERY IMPORTANT CHAPTER, okay?
  15. The Vampire Witch
    Not so sure I got everything that I wanted to written in the chapter but never the less I hope that you enjoyed it =)
  16. Trey
    Okay, some more background and the mystery of Trey is finally resolved!
  17. Mistletoe
    Not the most interesting of chapters but oh well, it has a good ending =)
  18. Christmas!
    Merry Christmas you guys, heres my christmas present for you ( a nice long chapter) XD
  19. Now and Forever
    short but sweet =)
  20. Filling in for a Lifetime
  21. I'm not what you think I am
  22. Please, Please, Please
    Two chapter in one day =D
  23. An Answer
  24. Banned
    Important Chapter
  25. Abandoned
    This took me over two hours so you better appreciate it =D
  26. Telling Harley
    Chapter 24 Part 2
  27. Hypnosis
  28. Institution
    long chapter =D
  29. Nightmares II
    theres already a chapter called nightmares =(
  30. Delusion
  31. Halloween
    part 1 of 2
  32. Halloween II
    part 2
  33. To late to Apologize
  34. Introductions
  35. It's Him
  36. Waiting
  37. I don't care anymore
    only 2 chapters left =(
  38. The End
  39. Epilogue
    Up 2 days early! You guys should be happy =D
  40. Nature's Law - Embrace
    The lyrics to the song =)
  41. Re-write (1)