Status: Active

Love Like This

&&Madeline Christopher
&&John Gomez

For as long as Madeline could remember, John Gomez has been somewhere in her vicinity. He has never strayed too far away for too long of time. They had the love that everyone around them was jealous of. But suddenly, John's band is going somewhere and Maddie is left on her own in Arizona. And so is everyone else she ever depended on for anything. Somehow, she never pictured the summer after graduation turning out this way.

&&Leighann Weston
&&Stephen Gomez

Leigh cringed at the idea of spending another summer in Virginia. She was sick of the entire scene and everything to do with it. School, work, friends and family were getting the best of her. Needless to say, she did not turn down an opportunity to ditch her life and see something new. My Favorite Highway were far from the biggest band around, but they were big enough that they needed Leigh for a few weeks over the summer. She thought she could get some air and then go back to her real life. However, she didn't count on Stephen Gomez being around. Nor did she expect to feel the supreme urge to be around him all the time.