Status: Chapters expected soon.

Brighter Than the Sun

Sequel to Faster Than Light.




Emmaline Black.

The daughter of Audrina and Jacob Black.

She's rather hard to describe in a sum of words.

She has this light about her, almost like a bright star in the night sky.

She also has a passion to see the world in a brighter light than most people, but one thing shocked people about her;

She didn't believe in love.

She sees her mom and dad in this state of pure love and adoration and still stands against it.

She hates how people can just throw around the word love like it's nothing.

Like you'll find it easily coming to you, like breathing.

But see, that's where Emmaline knows people are wrong.

She knows it doesn't come easy and doesn't wish it upon herself to try and find love.

She wants to avoid the pain it will bring, to avoid the time wasted when you fight with the person you supposedly 'love' and go through this whole ordeal that you can easily skip.

No matter how much her parents try to convince her, it never works.

But the odd thing is as soon as she ignores their attempts they share this knowing look.

Like they know something's going to happen…But Emmaline isn't in on it.

Truth be told, it pisses her off.

Other than those rather odd qualities Emmaline is a normal 16 year old teenage girl.

Well as normal as you can get when you live in La Push, Washington.



“Get the cardiogenic shockers!” I watched as they pressed them onto my grandmother’s body.

Mom was weeping and Dad was consoling her.

I felt numb.

It’s totally impossible that this could be happening- Grandma slipping away like this.

Especially while my mind was still misted with the thoughts about the ragged old book in my chilled hands.

I suddenly felt...

I felt?

What did I feel?

Was it a presence;

Grandma’s presence-like a spirit.


It can’t be.

She’d be... no.
  1. Chapter One
    I just want you to know, MissKrissy90 can't co-athor anymore, but I am still writng this.