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Long Way to Happy

Previously known as Figure 8. Don't worry. It's still the same story, just with a better, more fitting title :)
New Title Credit goes to Pink's song Long Way To Happy which I thought was more fitting due to the events in the story :)

Jonathan Toews was always in my life from even before I can remember. He was my brother’s best friend. They spent every waking moment together, and I can’t remember one memory that I don’t have that doesn’t involve Jonny in it. So, naturally, we ended up becoming friends.

But it’s when I’m fifteen that my story with Jonathan really starts. It’s when our relationship starts changing, and neither of us knew what was held in store for us.

Disclaimer: I only wish I owned the Chicago Blackhawks and Jonathan Toews. If I did, I would not be writing this story. :) But I do own my original characters, Drew and Bells.