Status: Finished!

Love On The Ice And Off

Haley has grown up with hockey all her life. Her older brother has been playing since he was five, and with a three year age difference that would make her a two year old in love with hockey. The only sport she's ever fully understand is of course hockey.

She's always been told that hockey players are players on and off the ice, and that she should never date them. But she chooses to date them anyways. She isn't much of a flirt or very outgoing person. Haley likes to keep to herself and only let her true colors show around her three best friends and family.

When Haley's 21st birthday comes around her friends Sam, LeAnn, and Taylor buy her hockey tickets to see her favorite team play; the Pittsburgh Penguins. Haley thinks her one awkward conversation with Sidney Crosby was the only time she would ever really get to speak with him, but of course that isn't true.

She hangs out with the hunk himself a few times and starts to really fall for him. But that little saying hockey players are players on and off the ice sticks out in her head.

Is the saying really true?
Will Sidney end of hurting Haley?
Can Haley open up enough to fall for such a well known guy?

Why am I asking so many questions that only I can answer?

Okay, I'm done with my lame attempt at a story description.

This story will have mature sexual content further in to the story, so be aware of that. If you can't handle that than please don't read it :)

Note: I feel like I should put this note here cause that's what everyone else does on thier fan-fics xD I of course do not own any of the Pittsburgh Penguins players or any other well recognized person in this story. I do own Haley, Sam, LeAnn, Taylor, Kaylee, and any other unrecognizable characters.
  1. Chapter 1
    21st Birthday
  2. Chapter 2
    Coffee Dehydrates You
  3. Chapter 3
    Coffee Addict
  4. Chapter 4
    The Wolf Man
  5. Chapter 5
    Kaylee Joann
  6. Chapter 6
  7. Chapter 7
    Hockey Players Are Players On And Off The Ice
  8. Chapter 8
    Open Skate Session
  9. Chapter 9
    The Zoo
  10. Chapter 10
    The Phone Call
  11. Chapter 11
    Hanging Out
  12. Chapter 12
  13. Chapter 13
    Kiss In The Park
  14. Chapter 14
    The Bone Dance
  15. Chapter 15`
    Meeting The Parents
  16. Chapter 16
  17. Chapter 17
    Victoria's Secret
  18. Chapter 18
  19. Chapter 19
    Apartment Hunting
  20. Chapter 20
  21. Chapter 21
    Making Up
  22. Chapter 22
    Breakfast and Sex
  23. Chapter 23
    A Virgin
  24. Chapter 24
    I love you
  25. Chapter 25
    Jewelry Store
  26. Chapter 26
    The Club
  27. Chapter 27
    Valentine's Day
  28. Chapter 28
    Girl Talk
  29. Chapter 29
  30. Chapter 30
    The End :)