What Have I Done to Deserve This Pain, Other Than Loving Him

Every night, at exactly 8:45 p.m., 17-year-old Frank Iero stands in the living room of his suburban New Jersey home and waits for his stepfather to get home. His mother died two years ago from cancer. Apart from his stepfather, Frank is all alone.

At 8:50 p.m., Stephan Barnes walks through the door and hits Frank hard in the stomach, or if he's in a good mood, across the face.

From then until usually 9:30 or 10:00, Frank Iero has his drunken stepfather beat the living shit out of him. Then afterwards, his "step bastard" lectures him and sends him to his room.

Frank ends up with numerous bruises from hitting walls and getting kicked and punched, cuts from beer bottles he's hit with, but never any broken bones. Broken bones mean a hospital stay, and, stupid as he is, Stephan is clever.

After his nightly beating, Frank cuts himself in his bathroom to ease his pain. He cries himself to sleep every night.

All this simply because Frank Iero is gay.

Frank can't take the abuse much longer, from his stepfather and himself as well. Soon he'll go too far, and it's a lot closer than he thinks...


This is a total work of fiction. All it violates is Ray Toro's request that writers "please stop making us have sex with each other," which is no fun whatsoever. Sorry Ray. At least it's only me you're having sex with.

TO SUM IT ALL UP- don't know (MCR, I mean. We all know Gerard and Frank aren't gay), don't own (whatever that means), don't sue (pretty pweease with skittles on top)
  1. Kapitel Eins
  2. Kapitel Zwei
  3. Kapitel Drei
    I wrote more in my notebook, so now I update. I didn't like the first try.