Sequel: Rabid Love History
Status: On Going

RabbiDt Love

Rabbi[d]t Love

Is a story between two boys who accidentaly hook up at a party drunk as hell waking up in the same bed the next day .

Eric Hawk :He is a Bisexual boy who loves his mother half to death. He is a teasing type person in return doesn't like to be teased. He likes to party and hang out with his mother. But when it comes to loving someone or something more then a one night stand he WONT stand for it. He has a policey of kissing people on the mouth saying it's to personal. When Kegan Black kisses him during some bunny sex he developes crazy feelings he doesn't want.

Kegan Black :Funny, out going, will do anything type of person. More of an up-and-at-it type person and doesn't like to think about things saying it's a nerds way to do things that way. He will admit openly he has a strong attraction for Eric and pounce on Eric any chance he can get.

© All characters were made by me, the story line, and so forth.