Ecstasy, You Torture Me.

Alexandria is a very complex person. It takes a very long time for her to adjust to things. After losing her parents in a horrific car crash she was shipped off to live with relatives. She hated the idea of leaving her home and going to live with people she barely knew but there was no other option.

Deliha had never been one to be the nicest to anyone. She didn't like anyone who held a gruge against her, but the irony was she could hold a gruge for a life time. It was always a good thing to get on her good side. It was also a good thing to not say anything 'flirty' or 'nice' to the one person that meant the world to her, Jeremy. But when you craked the hard shell, everything on the inside was pleasantly nice and peaceful.

When Alex and Deliha met they soon become fast friends but what happens when that one boy comes between them.

Jeremy Bryan Fan Fic

Disclaimer: Obviously neither myself or Mara own any of the Alesana guys. If we did it would be amazing though. :]
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