The Tales from the Seven Deadly Vices

Pride and Vanity.
Wrath and Anger.
Envy and Jealousy.
Sloth and Laziness.

These are the tales of individuals who have fallen victim into horrid lifestyles, far beyond what most would consider a very pleasant way to live on the edge.

These are the models,
The collectors,
The ones who don't care,
The ones who care too much,
Those who can't let go,
Some who can't get enough,
And even the ones who don't do shit.

Embark on these readings, and you might be satisfied with my expressions of the worst.

Yet, you might become fearful of your own self being faced with a grim punishment.

Let me just make one note: These are just my own interpretations.

Enjoy at your own risk.
  1. Superbia (Pride or Vanity)
    "Love of self perverted to hatred and contempt for one's neighbor"