Status: Chugging Along :D

Even Heroes Have the Right to Dream

Waverly Ateall, Jared Ateall's youngest sister. The hot headed, outgoing girl moves to La Push and her brother's best friend imprints on her, but Wave isn't like a normal imprint, she has thoughts on the whole thing. What will she think of imprinting and the whole werewolf saga?

Waverly is a fun loving, hot headed, friendly girl. Her tough demeanor might just be hiding something. She just wants to make friends, have fun and be reckless.

Paul is the most easily angered out of the whole wolf pack. He's determined to not imprint and to show all the imprinters that life is so much better when you don't have an imprint, even if he knows he's kidding himself. He hates what imprinting has done to some of his other friends/brothers and with the way things are going with all the girls in his life, no imprint is going to want him.

Wave LOVES to swear so yeah, lots of swearing. Might be lemons later, I dunno. Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters from the Twilight Saga as much as I would love to. I only own the ocs and the plot etc.