A Memorable Journey

Maria and Zayvier Dimitriades could not have children and when they got up in the middle of the night and found a baby boy on their doorstep they were ecstatic. Only the baby was malnourished and very sick, he was dying. Zayvier was a scientist working for the government. He was developing a liquid called PiX that was supposed to develope biologically engineered warriors so to speak to fight in the war. Long story short my new dad got a little crazy and decided that the best way to save me would be to inject me with PiX, unknowingly at the time making me the first human experiment for PiX. As I grew up I’ve always known that I was different. I just didn’t know how different. Around the time I turned eighteen I fell terribly ill. The doctors couldn’t figure out what was wrong with me and my parents were worried sick. That was before things started getting weird. Like the fact that I could hear a conversation going on all the way down the hall or that I could look out the window and see a bird sitting in a tree a mile away. Hell I thought I was going crazy. That was when my dad told me the truth. So here I thought I was just an average kid genius with no friends and it turns out I’m some kind of super freak, go figure. There was an explosion at the lab about two years later. It took twelve lives in total my dad’s included. Everything was destroyed including any documentation pertaining to PiX. All the scientists working on the project died in the explosion. So the government had no choice but close down the operation because they believed it to be too dangerous. Even if they chose to continue they had no records to go off of. I was pissed, sixteen years of hard work down the drain and the only compensation my family gets is a few grand a month from the government. To keep us quiet no less. Then I realized something, I could use my DNA to continue the project. So that’s exactly what I’m doing now.