Status: Back on track!

Rules to Follow

Katrina Le Gard:
After graduating from college, Katrina is pushed into the real world. She soon finds out that it is a lot harder than she had first thought. That is until her best friend Linda, suggested a plan. Linda works at a magazine and she thought an article on the mind of a guy would be a hit!

So off Kat goes discovering the innermost thoughts of a man. However, when she meets Bryce, she can't stand to hide her identity any longer.

Bryce Ricardo:
He is unsure about life at the moment. He had a rough past and made the worst mistakes. One of them being his daughter. He loves her to death, but he sometimes thinks that she will be his death. He was currently looking for a new woman when he befriended Katt. He just thought he was gay, he never imagined Katter was really a woman. But Bryce can't handle it when he thinks he is falling for a MAN!!!
  1. Chapter One
    The Only "Job"
  2. Chapter Two
    The Transformation
  3. Chapter Three
    Um...Wait, I'm Gay?