The Underworld's Curse

This story is about what happens when the second great prophecy comes true.
The second great prophecy is:

Seven half-bloods shall answer the call,

By storm or fire the world must fall,

An oath to keep with a final breath,

And foes bear arms to the doors of death

This story will tell you what happens, who is involved with it, what happened to Percy, Annabeth and Camp Half-Blood two years after the last book, but most of all...

All about the quest!
  1. I Turn My English Teacher Into Dust
    the beginning...i think the chapter title says it all!
  2. My Arm Goes Green
    Kalindi is only just finding out who she is, and who Nico di Angelo is. But will they get to Half-Blood Hill safely? And who is Kalindi's parent?
  3. My Dad Makes Up A Poem
    Kalindi has found her dad, but is only just starting to understand what Camp Half-Blood really is...
  4. A Zombie Comes To Visit
  5. I Go Swordfighting
  6. Things Get A Whole Lot More Complicated
  7. We Have Chocolate Cookies