Best Friends Don't Fall in Love, Draco Malfoy

Draco Malfoy was Jillian Campbell's best friend since before she could remember. Growing up, they were hardly ever apart from each other; even their parents were best friends. Life was never dull when visiting the Malfoy's... Until one devastating day Jillian's parents took their own lives and left Jillian by herself when she was just fourteen-years-old. She didn't know if she could go on with life until the Malfoys took her in to their home and helped raise her to young-adulthood. Jillian was never quite the same since her parents had died, but with her best friend Draco's help, she tried to live life happy and fully going to Hogwarts and taking her aggression out on the game of Quidditch. Jillian and Draco didn't even see it coming -- but it happened and it developed over 16 years' time. Are Draco and Jillian really falling in love?

My new Harry Potter Love story. I don't like the way my other one was going, so I am going to start fresh! Hopefully I can keep this one up and not get bored with it! :) Your guys' motivation will help greatly! I've been so busy lately, that's why I haven't been on in forever!

I do not own any of the Harry Potter characters, or some of the places, ideas, or actions that happen in my story. Strictly fan-fiction; all other credit goes to JK Rowling. But I do own Jillian, her clothes and any other made-up material. Thank you! :)

Jillian << Click!