How Long Is The Night

Frank Iero and Gerard Way live in central London, a hugely populated city in England. Frank becomes disturbed one day when Gerard forces him to watch the news on his television, which announces a shock revelation to the nation.
Locked up in Frank's house, every day becomes a struggle as they are faced with food and water shortages, the constant company of the other and a massive amount of people out for their blood.
Will they survive, or will they become one of them?
  1. How Long Is The Night - 1
    Gerard visits Frank to tell him the bad news.
  2. How Long Is The Night - 2
    Frank comes face to face through glass.
  3. How Long Is The Night - 3
    The one in which the mystery of Mikey is revealed.
  4. How Long Is The Night - 4
    Frank decides to play the hero