Status: new=] Keep or kill?

Teach the Heart to Live

"All I can see in you is shadows but I can't find the light that created them."

"Look, life sucks. It's going to shove you into the ground and destroy your happiness. So you have to get up, tell life to go to hell, and stop whining about it."

"You're just a little obsessed freak. No one actually cares and I'd love for you to never speak to me again."

"If I wasn't singing and creating, I wouldn't be breathing. That said, I have no reason to show you what's keeping me alive."

"All of you, you try to hard. Just let it go."

"Life's a big ball of chaos. Why else would it be so amazing?"

For six high-school seniors, everything just got a little more complicated. When their opposite lives become thrown together and they are suddenly having to learn to tolerate everyone from the head jock to the loud and totally out gay kid. Teaching each other to accept and teaching themselves to love, what could go wrong? It's all just a lesson in kindness... right?