
Title Credit: “Monster” by Meg & Dia

MONSTER. / How should I feel? / Creatures lie here. / Looking through the windows.

Children are the smartest human beings to ever walk the planet Earth. Unbeknownst to the vast populous, that is, the human race, children are wise beyond their years. From the moment they are born, their intelligence can output Albert Einstein, Aristotle, and men and women that love their facts, figures and statistics. But how is this possible? If at only one hour of birth they are “little geniuses”. Well, it’s quite simple.

Children are born to love.

They don’t know anything of racism. Of hate. Of war. Crime. Violence. They’re innocence and ignorance is the most valued piece of intelligence known to man. For, only as these children grow, that they are taught, by their elders, who to love, who to hate, and what to believe.

Like MONSTERS for example. Children are told by their parents that monsters are not real. They do not live and lurk in the closet. They are only figments of imagination. Children are taught to put their fears aside, because their fears are simply not real.

But for one girl, this is simply not the case. Unfortunately for her, her monsters are real. Very real. At far too young of an age, her intelligence and innocence was taken. From the moment she was born, all she knew of, was hate, war, crime, and violence. She was never born to love.


New story. This one will be more on the serious side. It will feature the greatest goalkeeper in the world, Iker Casillas. Sadly, I do not have any rights to claim this wonderful man, nor any other footballers that appear in this story.

DISCLAIMER: I own the storyline. Steal and I will find you. Just don’t do it. Plagiarism is Pathetic.