The Harrowing Adventures of Babe and Dude

'You and me babe, how 'bout it?'

We're traveling across the country, in a beat-up old Cadillac convertible, One-thousand five-hundred sixty-two dollars and eighty-two cents, and the clothes on our backs. 
We were in search of... Well, we don't know yet. 
Maybe we were looking for some life experience, were not sure, but whatever it is, I guess we'll figure it out on the way. For right now we're just going with the flow of things.
We've got a whole summer to waste.

Song Credit; Romeo and Juliet- The Killers
Disclaimer; I own all characters and story lines used in this story. With the exception of real people. I do not claim any song/film or persons you may recognize, that I know was not written by me...
Note; just to clarify, their real names aren't Babe and Dude.
I'm writing this on paper and posting from my iPod till I get my computer, which is currently in Florida while I'm in California... So please, bare with me people.
Right now I think I'm going to keep it PG-13...
AsToldBy... Kamille Elizabeth (c)